Every angler has some water where hunted carps. Each water requires special preparation: choosing of bait, lead, hook, and certainly thickness of lines what depends on the configuration of the bottom, water grass and other water plants. We can use different types of baits. Make sure to use the natural kind baits who will easily attract carp because it is certainly accustomed to the food from the natural environment. For the carp fishing we must use at least scents, tastes and colors which are common in nature. Tastes that we can put in food for carp can be a different origin, and they usually shares to the fruit and animal origin.
During the sunny and hot days I suggest that you use sweet and fruit scents and tastes, because the water is warmer and smells such a fruit and will more easily attract fish (strawberry, pear, bananas, sour cherry, raspberry, chocolate, etc.). During fishing in the colder days or in fishing over night when the water cools (in spring and autumn) you must use stronger scents animal origin (shell, mussel, octopus, squid, fish, etc.). Water is colder than during the day and the use of these of heavy fragrances in these conditions will be easier to expand and attract carps.
Today's fishing, we can not imagine without boilies. But these are nothing else but boiled corn flour in a special way. Of course into boilies are puts different ingredients such as fish flour, bird food, flax, hemp, powdered milk and various smells and sugars. Boilies are in different sizes, colours, and of course that the different taste and smell. At the picture you can see some different boilies.
One of the most effective and cheapest stillwater bait is corn. It is an excellent holding bait and you don't have to feed much to keep
the fish interested. There are numerous types of corn on the market, both in tackle shops and supermarkets. Making the right choice is very important. I believe that quality corn will get you better results over the cheaper variety. For fishing usually use two main types of corn. Normal maize (grain, which are normal size) and large grains (grain that are much higher than normal: MEGA MAIZE). At the picture you can see differences in the size of grain corn.